
Malawi Independence

Today is Malawi Independence Day, which for us means time to catch up on our grocery shopping and prepare for the last few weeks of our time here in Malawi.

This week is the start of week 8 in Malawi, which means we only have 4 short weeks left before we start our journey to Johannesburg, South Africa where we will catch our flight back to the United States. I will make sure I cherish everyday in Malawi, since I know my time here is short.

We woke up early, put our laundry in the wash, cooked some breakfast, and started our walk into town. During our time in town we were chased by a crazy man, hounded by carpenters at the souvenir market, and followed by strawberry-selling men at the outdoor food market. When you are a foreigner, everyone wants something to do with you! We did get some beautiful crafts (a noah’s ark, chewa mask, and grass bowl) and completed our grocery shopping for the week for under $5. The day was good and by the time we arrived home we wer ready to cook something delicious with all our new purchases. We decided to make Real Malawian’s pizza again, because that is Andrew’s favorite.

After lunch we had time to start another batch of laundy, help the maid clean our room, and cook Indian byriani for dinner. I am so grateful that today was a holiday because we were able to get SO MUCH done. I feel very prepared to return back to CBF tomorrow and tackle the world head-on. Bye!

(Below: Andrew’s post)

The first day back in Malawi was great. We had an early start to the morning and a full day working in the office which got us off to a good start.

In all senses of the word it was a fairly ordinary day, but I found one part particularly interesting, and that was the time Kylie and I spent reading the autobiography of Nelson Mandela.

This marks the first truly historical figure I’ve followed via their own account and I’ll be honest I find the events surrounding the 1900 South African apartheid fascinating. I see parallels in society today, not to mention find the history quite interesting. By no means do I view the more radical ideals as acceptable, but in this unique context (living in africa), I find the account enlightening. 

One of the greatest blessings of Kylie and my time in Africa has been the opportunity to dive into several books and read. At home so many thugs pull for your attention that you miss out on quiet, reflective moments as you read another’s account, or expand knowledge in a particular sector. 

This is something I haven’t been very good at in the past (reading). But I’ve built a goal in my mind to read 20 books in a year. So far I’ve finished 4 and I’ve begun 5, 6, and 7 at the same time. As I look to the many successful people I meet, many have a common thread of being well versed and read. I hope that developing an interest in reading will nurture the sane attributes in me.

Anyways just thought I’d share something I find to be a worthwhile goal – make time to read!

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