Africa,  Ethiopia

We are all Ethiopian, Here’s Why. 

Let me take you back 3.2 Million Years…

Meet Lucy, we know her as a pile of bones, but she was actually one of the oldest humans known to exist on the earth. We presume She was part Chimpanzee Part Human, lived in trees and probably ate bugs to survive.

Well, I have something to tell you. There is a good chance that Lucy is your great great great great (thousandth great) grandma. And she’s mine too.

Lucy lived in, what is now Modern Day Ethiopia, and in fact most human DNA is traced back to this same location.

Doesn’t that make – both, you, and I, and every person on this earth ETHIOPIAN?

Most People have no idea what Ethiopia is or where it is on a Map. Ethiopia is a country located in Africa, just north of Kenya and is a part of the Horn of Africa.

And according to every scholar out there – we are all Ethiopian. Ethiopia is the land of Origins – Here’s Why.

The country is believed to be the origin of humankind; home of the earliest remains of human ancestors ever found (i.e. Lucy).

It’s the birthplace of the wild coffee plant, ‘Arabica’.

It’s the origin of the Blue Nile, the longest river on the planet. 

It is also believed to be the depository of the lost Biblical Ark of the Covenant, safely guarded in a Sacred Church in Aksum. 

Ethiopia is also home to some of the most unique culture and nature on the planet.

Churches in Liabela, Baboons in the Simien Mountains, the Mursi Tribe on the Sudanese Border.

With its own calendar (where else can you get 13 months of sunshine?), timekeeping, script, language, cuisine, church and coffee, Ethiopia is as exotic as countries come. 

Everything originates from Ethiopia….

If all this is true, your DNA, my DNA, and ALL Human’s DNA originates from Ethiopia.

Don’t believe me, take a trip to Ethiopia – and learn for yourself.

Grab your backpack, there is more to Explore.

Visit Ethiopia, the land or origins, and connect back to the land where you may just have come from.